Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Morning Bed Blogging

So I have never really blogged before, but I figure it will be a better place to voice my thoughts rather than my Facebook page which seems to become a war zone for people to argue on. So first topic of discussion.

The Rapture- Apparently Jesus didn't come down and take all of us to heaven.... Not that I thought that I was necessarily going or any of my friends for that matter. I find it very arrogant for humans to assume they can predict when God, Jesus, Allah or any form of supernatural being while return to earth and begin the end of the world. 

Apple Computers- So I have heard that it is impossible for Mac's to get viruses or at least very rare, hence why you pay on average twice as much for a shiny white case and an apple stamped on it. My lovely wife to be has a mac book less than a year old and it got a software OS update from apple... Might as well have been a virus because it broke the wireless capability of the laptop. When you pay  for a "better" computer I feel like the customer service should be outstanding, but just like every time I have dealt with Apple they have given us the run around again and their phone customer service didn't know anything and told us we were SOL. Now we have to venture to an Apple store because we have in-store warranty, but not phone or online service ability.... Oh well, I guess its a good thing that we only live about 20 minutes from an apple store. 

Customer Service- Speaking of customer service; I feel like this countries customer service has going down the crapper since I was a little kid. I have pretty much crappy service from all except two places. Ironically they are related in their form of business. My local gun store, and Smith and Wesson have the best customer service I have ever experienced. The worst customer service I have had has always been in restaurants and it seems the more expensive the restaurant is the more fail the service is. I get better service at McDonald's than a nice sit down steak restaurant. I can't figure out why a restaurant where you make $15 or $20 a table for 45 minutes of work per hour times the fact that you have 3 or 4 tables renders such crappy service...

Band Recommendation- The Civil Wars "Barton Hollow" 

On a side note 83 days until we get married. 

Saying of the day.... "A broke clock is right, twice a day" 

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