Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pakistan: Friend or Foe?

I have been having a hard time figuring out if Pakistan is an ally of the US or not. I have been leaning toward definitely not an ally, but after today I absolutely think they are an enemy. They can't control any part of their country and to have Osama Bin Laden living in one of their wealthy suburbs with no one knowing is absolute crap. Today a group of militants storm a secure military installation and get deep inside the perimeter of the base before being stopped... To think this country possesses nuclear weapons is shocking. Lying, funding and harboring terrorists, being shady as all hell is Pakistan's behavior on an everyday basis. I know they are supposedly one of our last remaining "allies" in the Mid-East, but when will enough be enough? I fear that they are using us more and more only as a means to gain information and pass it along to those who would do harm the US interests around the world. While Pakistan is not overtly supporting or being caught in the act of promoting terrorism their passiveness in many cases is evidence enough in my opinion to write them off as an ally in the region. The US should bar all trade with their country and stop sending foreign aid in the range of billions of US dollars.

Next post topic will be the Obama administrations support of the splitting of Israel based on the 1967 borders.

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