Monday, May 23, 2011

Episodes from The Chase

-The Last Leinenkugel-
I was lying in bed checking emails and watching Pawn Stars on History channel when Kate stood up proclaiming she , “Can no longer drinking beer out of bottles!”.  Not really sure why she said that I looked over at her. When I spy that her shirt is completely soaked with the nectar of the gods… I then asked if I can have a Leinenkugel as well, when she informs me that it is the last remaining. I then as diplomatically as possible explain that in her current state of alcohol abusing I have to take protective custody of the final brew.

-Tru TV-
This channel is probably one of my favorite channels. I enjoy watching TV  shows of criminals doing stupid things; a small part of me finds it slightly strange that I find pleasure in watching felons get tazered, but it is nice to see justice done on some people.  

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