Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Command Center

-The Command Center-

The office I work in is considered by many to be the Command Center of the Museum. We handle everything from school or professional groups visiting the museum to people wanting to rent an exhibit or the omnimax. The cool thing is I really do feel like we are in a command center. Our office is out on a peninsula of the building which seems to be a control tower for what use to be the major train yard hub of the sprawling Midwest. Office chat is always fun and I do feel that I have gained insight into the world of women and how they chat about their husbands when they are not around!! LOL, but really its always fun to be at work because everyone is always laughing about something. My happiness now in my current job far surpasses any highlights I had in my previous career choice.     

-Student Loans-

I just spent the last 15 minutes reviewing my student loans for grad school. I have to admit the Dept. of Education's website is designed for complete morons. I am pretty sure a space monkey could complete the questions and quiz included in gaining loan approval. The website told me to plan on spending at least a hour on their site completing documents and taking online loan quizzes. Right, 15 minutes was as long as it took me while at work and answering phone calls. The website is getting a lot easier to use though which is nice. I remember the first year I had to use it in undergrad it was not very user friendly. (Back then I felt like I need nuclear missile launch codes to get a student loan). I give the Dept. of Education an A+ for ease of use!

-Severe Weather-

I find that recently I have been the laughing boy for my wife to be and her nurses at work concerning my interest and providing of early warning of dangerous weather conditions to the woman who will one day carry my child. Yesterday Cincy was tagged by some fairly serious weather, not as bad as those folks in Joplin, MS, but still dangerous. Word of tornadoes and sustained 70Mph winds were being reported. Being the caring and good husband to be I gave multiple warnings and updates to my soon to be spouse, who promptly responded with nonchalant sarcasm.(keep in mind this post is all in good fun and not meant to come across mean I LOVE KATE!) While waiting for Kate to get off work I sat on the couch with our puppy just recently released from her kennel after I arrived home from work. Ave (our puppy)  seen above was going crazy (more so than normal) with the severe weather, but as soon as the automated national weather service alarm went off on the TV she sat down and stared at the TV as if somehow trying to decipher what it meant. It is not fact that Ava is not a fan of severe weather PERIOD. She gets so nervous and wants to be right next to you. Anyway I digress the point is that I do take warnings seriously, from severe weather to the rapture (or even the fact that someone might get reelected). It is better to be prepared for the worst and know how you and you're loved ones would respond rather than become a statistic of people who failed to respond in an emergency situation. I plan to live in those situations every time.

A few of my favorite be prepared pictures found online.

This picture is especially for  K Keeler & KRN

I hope this guy is wear galoshes to match his umbrella. 

1 comment:

  1. That's exactly what my bathroom looks like during severe weather!!
