Sunday, May 22, 2011

Facebook Friend Purge

So I lied about the next topic of my blog, I will get to that topic later, but I have decided to have a late night FB purge. After high school, undergrad and half of grad I realize that I have like 1000 people on Facebook listed as "my friends". When in reality I only correspond with about 15 people. I am not embarrassed that I don't talk to more than 15 people, cause I freaking hate most people I interact with other than a select few and you know who you are ;) . So lets see, I am going to start I was previously just under 1000 people, lets see what I can do. BRB....... On a side note if I am going through my friends list and you have changed your name to something stupid, how the hell am I suppose to know who you are??? I swear everyday people are changing their names on FB if your name is John Smith please don't change it to J to the H Swizzle McDizzle. First off your not some millionaire rap star, your a white twenty something with something seriously wrong with your self image. BTW I am at 800 remaining. I like deleting people off my facebook, its like they are really gone... Forever... If only you could delete people IRL.

I am finding out a lot about people whilst deleting them, but damn its like everyone I went to high school with gave it 5 years outta high school and married each other. I can't believe how many people got married to people we went to high school with. First off I don't think there was every any girl from my high school that was marriage material, but if that floats your boat ::thumbs up::, second of all get up and out of suburbia Cincinnati, if you can't venture out of your postal code then how in the hell are you to be sure the person your getting married to is the right one? I mean don't you think you should maybe explore? All I am saying is with a divorce rate of just under %50 in this country and an even higher one for high school sweethearts its prolly not a good idea to go back to teenage memories to find the girl your going to be paying alimony and child support to for the next 18 years.

God this process is getting tiring. Now I am finding out how many people I graduated with have kids too. People have seriously been getting busy.

Finally I am done.... 492 left, after 1000 began. Ah I do love a good cathartic purge. I think its time for bed considering I have to be to work in a few hours. 

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