There are very few things in the world that set my blood afire, but stupid people are close to the top of the list... See chart 1.1 for complete details. So toady I had this guy call my office for directions to the museum.. No problem, but our slow dell computers need a second to load up Google maps which I use from time to time to locate visitors and direct them quickly to our museum. This guy had no patience and couldn't understand that the road right in front of the museum is a one way only and once you overshoot the museum you have to switchback through the rail yards and tunnels to get back. This is not hard, but explaining to someone from out of town can be slightly challenging, especially when they don't want to hear that they can't just drive through the grass and park in the handicap only spot right next to our front door. This guy actually started talking smack to me on the phone that I couldn't get him here quicker than that... I am sorry that I am not an urban planner dude, but if you keep being rude to me I am going to give you directions to the ghetto in Over the Rhine (have fun with that brosef). Anyway I still love my job even though some people who call in really challenge patience levels sometimes.
1. people who don't follow traffic laws.
2. stupid people
3. rude people
4. terrorists
5. liberals
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Pre-Marriage Therapy
So tonight Kate and I decided to bust out the N64 and try our luck at MarioKart 64. I do have to report that I own the field when it comes to battle mode. I thought Kate was going to strangle me with the controller cord. Unfortunately when it came to racing mode she wiped the floor with the mangled remains of my kart. She always dominated the Cruisin USA realm. We joked that going back and forth over the field of battle would cause us to end up in pre-marriage counseling. I had forgotten how much fun it is to play old games, but it really shows how far games have come in just about 15 years. I wonder were games will be when our kids are playing them?

Mad Max w/ Eotech
So now that I have completed my optics kit for my AR I feel that it is now okay for apocalypse to occur. Previously I was concerned that my optics would not yield positive results. I will say that Eotech while pricey is the most accurate and reliable optics I have ever used and researched. The bundle I have consists of two pieces with work in tandem to create a CQB (Close Quarters Combat) option and with the click of a button switches back to long range target aquisition and elimination. Part 1 the red dot sight (Eotech Model 512)
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EOTECH MODEL 512 (Part 1) |
This is what the rig looks like in CQB mode on the top of an AR-15 with Picantanny rail system.![]() |
EOTECH 512 with the Gen 2 3x Magnifier |
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-Complete combo off the rifle rails- |
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Pictures From Joplin Tornadoes
Unbelievable images from Joplin, MO.
Joplin Hospital
Apartment Complex
Housing Development
Life-Flight Heli-Copter from the Roof of the Hospital
Path of the storm right through Joplin.
Joplin Hospital
Apartment Complex
Housing Development
Life-Flight Heli-Copter from the Roof of the Hospital
Path of the storm right through Joplin.
The Command Center

The office I work in is considered by many to be the Command Center of the Museum. We handle everything from school or professional groups visiting the museum to people wanting to rent an exhibit or the omnimax. The cool thing is I really do feel like we are in a command center. Our office is out on a peninsula of the building which seems to be a control tower for what use to be the major train yard hub of the sprawling Midwest. Office chat is always fun and I do feel that I have gained insight into the world of women and how they chat about their husbands when they are not around!! LOL, but really its always fun to be at work because everyone is always laughing about something. My happiness now in my current job far surpasses any highlights I had in my previous career choice.
-Student Loans-
I just spent the last 15 minutes reviewing my student loans for grad school. I have to admit the Dept. of Education's website is designed for complete morons. I am pretty sure a space monkey could complete the questions and quiz included in gaining loan approval. The website told me to plan on spending at least a hour on their site completing documents and taking online loan quizzes. Right, 15 minutes was as long as it took me while at work and answering phone calls. The website is getting a lot easier to use though which is nice. I remember the first year I had to use it in undergrad it was not very user friendly. (Back then I felt like I need nuclear missile launch codes to get a student loan). I give the Dept. of Education an A+ for ease of use!
-Severe Weather-

A few of my favorite be prepared pictures found online.
I hope this guy is wear galoshes to match his umbrella.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Episodes from The Chase
-The Last Leinenkugel-
I was lying in bed checking emails and watching Pawn Stars on History channel when Kate stood up proclaiming she , “Can no longer drinking beer out of bottles!”. Not really sure why she said that I looked over at her. When I spy that her shirt is completely soaked with the nectar of the gods… I then asked if I can have a Leinenkugel as well, when she informs me that it is the last remaining. I then as diplomatically as possible explain that in her current state of alcohol abusing I have to take protective custody of the final brew.
-Tru TV-
This channel is probably one of my favorite channels. I enjoy watching TV shows of criminals doing stupid things; a small part of me finds it slightly strange that I find pleasure in watching felons get tazered, but it is nice to see justice done on some people.
Working at the CMC
I have to start with explaining how much I really like my new job, I mean I work in a museum and my co-workers are hilarious. My office overlooks a train yard and fairly often our part of the building will shake when a train rumbles through. Our office discussions usually revolve around current events, or grown up things like new tires on cars and pluses and minuses of children. (All with a humorous end). My co-workers and incredibly laid back and fun to be around and very good teachers. My day began in the always dreaded HR office filing out paperwork, but it was actually awesome cause my HR rep was completely chill and fun to chat with. Back to grind, phone calls and paperwork!
Lunch at my desk- Awesome lunched packed my my amazing wife to be! I had an amazing man sized sandwich (2 inches of lunch meat +) duh. Pretentious Voss water, actually filled with tap water... Homemade chex mix, quite tasty. Carrots and (Hidden Valley) ranch dressing and for desert a peanut butter snickers!
Funny Video of the Day! Representative of Kate and I.
Lunch at my desk- Awesome lunched packed my my amazing wife to be! I had an amazing man sized sandwich (2 inches of lunch meat +) duh. Pretentious Voss water, actually filled with tap water... Homemade chex mix, quite tasty. Carrots and (Hidden Valley) ranch dressing and for desert a peanut butter snickers!
Funny Video of the Day! Representative of Kate and I.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Facebook Friend Purge
So I lied about the next topic of my blog, I will get to that topic later, but I have decided to have a late night FB purge. After high school, undergrad and half of grad I realize that I have like 1000 people on Facebook listed as "my friends". When in reality I only correspond with about 15 people. I am not embarrassed that I don't talk to more than 15 people, cause I freaking hate most people I interact with other than a select few and you know who you are ;) . So lets see, I am going to start I was previously just under 1000 people, lets see what I can do. BRB....... On a side note if I am going through my friends list and you have changed your name to something stupid, how the hell am I suppose to know who you are??? I swear everyday people are changing their names on FB if your name is John Smith please don't change it to J to the H Swizzle McDizzle. First off your not some millionaire rap star, your a white twenty something with something seriously wrong with your self image. BTW I am at 800 remaining. I like deleting people off my facebook, its like they are really gone... Forever... If only you could delete people IRL.
I am finding out a lot about people whilst deleting them, but damn its like everyone I went to high school with gave it 5 years outta high school and married each other. I can't believe how many people got married to people we went to high school with. First off I don't think there was every any girl from my high school that was marriage material, but if that floats your boat ::thumbs up::, second of all get up and out of suburbia Cincinnati, if you can't venture out of your postal code then how in the hell are you to be sure the person your getting married to is the right one? I mean don't you think you should maybe explore? All I am saying is with a divorce rate of just under %50 in this country and an even higher one for high school sweethearts its prolly not a good idea to go back to teenage memories to find the girl your going to be paying alimony and child support to for the next 18 years.
I am finding out a lot about people whilst deleting them, but damn its like everyone I went to high school with gave it 5 years outta high school and married each other. I can't believe how many people got married to people we went to high school with. First off I don't think there was every any girl from my high school that was marriage material, but if that floats your boat ::thumbs up::, second of all get up and out of suburbia Cincinnati, if you can't venture out of your postal code then how in the hell are you to be sure the person your getting married to is the right one? I mean don't you think you should maybe explore? All I am saying is with a divorce rate of just under %50 in this country and an even higher one for high school sweethearts its prolly not a good idea to go back to teenage memories to find the girl your going to be paying alimony and child support to for the next 18 years.
God this process is getting tiring. Now I am finding out how many people I graduated with have kids too. People have seriously been getting busy.
Finally I am done.... 492 left, after 1000 began. Ah I do love a good cathartic purge. I think its time for bed considering I have to be to work in a few hours.
Pakistan: Friend or Foe?
I have been having a hard time figuring out if Pakistan is an ally of the US or not. I have been leaning toward definitely not an ally, but after today I absolutely think they are an enemy. They can't control any part of their country and to have Osama Bin Laden living in one of their wealthy suburbs with no one knowing is absolute crap. Today a group of militants storm a secure military installation and get deep inside the perimeter of the base before being stopped... To think this country possesses nuclear weapons is shocking. Lying, funding and harboring terrorists, being shady as all hell is Pakistan's behavior on an everyday basis. I know they are supposedly one of our last remaining "allies" in the Mid-East, but when will enough be enough? I fear that they are using us more and more only as a means to gain information and pass it along to those who would do harm the US interests around the world. While Pakistan is not overtly supporting or being caught in the act of promoting terrorism their passiveness in many cases is evidence enough in my opinion to write them off as an ally in the region. The US should bar all trade with their country and stop sending foreign aid in the range of billions of US dollars.
Next post topic will be the Obama administrations support of the splitting of Israel based on the 1967 borders.
My Wife to be asks me if we can watch Star Wars
As if my title isn't enough to explain how awesome my fiancée is I am going to elaborate. She loves, sci-fi, history, (BAND OF BROTHERS!), shooting guns, the outdoors, sports, a good laugh, ice cold beer, bad jokes, dogs, museums, xbox, wii, travelling, doing nothing at all, nights in watching movies! And I guess the most important thing she loves is me... At least enough to get married! In 83 days!
And yes we are actually watching Star Wars. God Bless George Lucas! Starting with a New Hope of course.
I hate the apple store
Its always insanely busy, and they never find ur reservation. Period.
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Sunday Morning Bed Blogging
So I have never really blogged before, but I figure it will be a better place to voice my thoughts rather than my Facebook page which seems to become a war zone for people to argue on. So first topic of discussion.
The Rapture- Apparently Jesus didn't come down and take all of us to heaven.... Not that I thought that I was necessarily going or any of my friends for that matter. I find it very arrogant for humans to assume they can predict when God, Jesus, Allah or any form of supernatural being while return to earth and begin the end of the world.
Apple Computers- So I have heard that it is impossible for Mac's to get viruses or at least very rare, hence why you pay on average twice as much for a shiny white case and an apple stamped on it. My lovely wife to be has a mac book less than a year old and it got a software OS update from apple... Might as well have been a virus because it broke the wireless capability of the laptop. When you pay for a "better" computer I feel like the customer service should be outstanding, but just like every time I have dealt with Apple they have given us the run around again and their phone customer service didn't know anything and told us we were SOL. Now we have to venture to an Apple store because we have in-store warranty, but not phone or online service ability.... Oh well, I guess its a good thing that we only live about 20 minutes from an apple store.
Customer Service- Speaking of customer service; I feel like this countries customer service has going down the crapper since I was a little kid. I have pretty much crappy service from all except two places. Ironically they are related in their form of business. My local gun store, and Smith and Wesson have the best customer service I have ever experienced. The worst customer service I have had has always been in restaurants and it seems the more expensive the restaurant is the more fail the service is. I get better service at McDonald's than a nice sit down steak restaurant. I can't figure out why a restaurant where you make $15 or $20 a table for 45 minutes of work per hour times the fact that you have 3 or 4 tables renders such crappy service...
Band Recommendation- The Civil Wars "Barton Hollow"
On a side note 83 days until we get married.
Saying of the day.... "A broke clock is right, twice a day"
The Rapture- Apparently Jesus didn't come down and take all of us to heaven.... Not that I thought that I was necessarily going or any of my friends for that matter. I find it very arrogant for humans to assume they can predict when God, Jesus, Allah or any form of supernatural being while return to earth and begin the end of the world.
Apple Computers- So I have heard that it is impossible for Mac's to get viruses or at least very rare, hence why you pay on average twice as much for a shiny white case and an apple stamped on it. My lovely wife to be has a mac book less than a year old and it got a software OS update from apple... Might as well have been a virus because it broke the wireless capability of the laptop. When you pay for a "better" computer I feel like the customer service should be outstanding, but just like every time I have dealt with Apple they have given us the run around again and their phone customer service didn't know anything and told us we were SOL. Now we have to venture to an Apple store because we have in-store warranty, but not phone or online service ability.... Oh well, I guess its a good thing that we only live about 20 minutes from an apple store.
Customer Service- Speaking of customer service; I feel like this countries customer service has going down the crapper since I was a little kid. I have pretty much crappy service from all except two places. Ironically they are related in their form of business. My local gun store, and Smith and Wesson have the best customer service I have ever experienced. The worst customer service I have had has always been in restaurants and it seems the more expensive the restaurant is the more fail the service is. I get better service at McDonald's than a nice sit down steak restaurant. I can't figure out why a restaurant where you make $15 or $20 a table for 45 minutes of work per hour times the fact that you have 3 or 4 tables renders such crappy service...
Band Recommendation- The Civil Wars "Barton Hollow"
On a side note 83 days until we get married.
Saying of the day.... "A broke clock is right, twice a day"
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