I know it has been a long break between my blogs, but now I feel like I have some items to really discuss.
Hearing Aids- I feel bad, I mean I am sympathetic for people with hearing issues. Sometimes I have a hard time hearing, but if you can't hear consistently and you have to have people scream at you before you hear what they are saying... It is time to get hearing aids. I have people call me all the time at work and they can't hear anything... I am not talking about screaming kids in the background or a trailing rumbling underneath my desk, but still, perfect silence all around and they can't hear me worth a crap. Now my Grandmother has the same issue. 80+ years old and deaf as a rock, but refuses to get hearing aids, you can hear her TV 4 houses down in the summer when the windows are open. Holy crap I just got a call where I had to spell words to a lady with the military alphabet because she was so hard of hearing. I need to just start forward these people to a hearing aid company.
Facilities on the Clock- It is a not so public debated event, but much discuss in my circle of friends and that is using you're works bathroom facilities while on the clock. Lets be honest guys we enjoy our time on the porcelain throne especially if we get to take a book or magazine. I am glad to report that my friends and I do enjoy this time, but as the picture below shows you have to quickly and covertly evade and escape the eyes of your co-workers, for they know what your intent is and silent mock and judge you as you walk down the halls of your office. The key to success is to be proud, walk tall, and make sure you find a secondary bathroom where you can be discrete if you had Mexican the night before. ENJOY!

Rampage- I have unfortunately come to the conclusion that most people anger the hell outta me most days. It never ceases to amaze me how cranky, whiny, nit picky, and crazy people can be over the smallest things. People want everything you have available for no charge. Then they want to return everything for a full refund. I feel especially bad for one of my friends today in the office cause this client just about brought her to tears today. People don't understand that there are somethings we can't refund them for, but people get so petty about things. This has been the day for having complete idiots to call and say the most ridiculous things. They say that kids say the darndest things, well adults say the most asinine things.