Last night was a very sad night in the Barrick/Nida residence we sustained two fatalities of the electronic kind. During our massive storm last night that resembles hordes of paparazzi flashbulbing us to death our cable company sustained as lightning strike. Believing that our prized TV's were protected by surge protectors I worried little as I played with our furry love child Ava on the floor. Even with both units off and surge protections Zeus cast down a bolt of doom from the peaks of Mt. Olympus striking the cable box and thus surging through not the power, but coaxial cable lines. Heat was felt and the ground shook in the apartment as the horrible moment occurred, lights flickered and Ava roared... (Have I painted a good picture here?) I immediately check for damage and I found two critically injured flat-screens, I began first aid on them, but to no avail. For their hearts had been snuffed out an early age of 1 and a half and 6 months. Having no other recourse I pronounced time of death at 18:45 EST 10 June 2011.
Lesson 1: Lightning surges through any conductor, not just power lines.
Lesson 2: Make sure your cable lines have surge protectors on them. Nice ones have that feature.
Lesson 3: State Farm insurance is amazing.
Lesson 4: Ava doesn't like lightning.
Lesson 5: Matt doesn't like his TV's dying....
Lesson 6: I want to fight Zeus.
Testing will occur next week, please study so I don't have to cast a lightning bolt onto you.
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