Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stupid People

There are very few things in the world that set my blood afire, but stupid people are close to the top of the list... See chart 1.1 for complete details. So toady I had this guy call my office for directions to the museum.. No problem, but our slow dell computers need a second to load up Google maps which I use from time to time to locate visitors and direct them quickly to our museum. This guy had no patience and couldn't understand that the road right in front of the museum is a one way only and once you overshoot the museum you have to switchback through the rail yards and tunnels to get back. This is not hard, but explaining to someone from out of town can be slightly challenging, especially when they don't want to hear that they can't just drive through the grass and park in the handicap only spot right next to our front door. This guy actually started talking smack to me on the phone that I couldn't get him here quicker than that... I am sorry that I am not an urban planner dude, but if you keep being rude to me I am going to give you directions to the ghetto in Over the Rhine (have fun with that brosef). Anyway I still love my job even though some people who call in really challenge patience levels sometimes.

1. people who don't follow traffic laws.
2. stupid people
3. rude people
4. terrorists
5. liberals

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